Fight Club International

United Kingdom
  • Booth: 1649

Fight Club is a gaming experimentation group learning to fight across all domains of conflict and competition. Our members are serving military, reservists, government employees and civilians with a passion for professional gaming, who support our community’s goals and interests. A central focus for the group is broader awareness and inclusion of gaming techniques and procedures within defence and government organisations. Experimenting with new technologies and methods of gaming

Brands: Virtual Battle Space, Combat Mission, War Paths, Neurotracker, Flashpoint Campaigns, Take That Hill, Take That Street, SAF-TAC VR

 Press Releases

  • (Oct 04, 2024)
    Fight Club hosts online Webinars with renowned speakers taking on a wide array of topics concerning warfare, theory, practice, and professional development.  


  • Take That Hill - A Manual Wargame Primer
    <h1>1 - 2 PLAYERS | 20-30 Minutes | Low Complexity<br /> <br /> UK Fight Club's first manual wargame primer.  Play at the show, and explore the possibilities.</h1> ...

  • Join and Support Fight Club International
    <h4>Join the network that will help drive the next decade of military simulation and wargaming development.</h4> ...

    ‘Operation Baltic Shield’: a multi-part battle conducted within the tactical simulation package <a href="" target="_self">‘Combat Mission: Professional Edition’</a> ("CM:Pro")....