Ternion Corporation  

Huntsville,  AL 
United States
  • Booth: 301

Ternion Corporation’s FLAMES® is a family of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software products that provide a framework for developing custom constructive and virtual simulations and interfaces between live, virtual and constructive (LVC) simulations. The optional integration of Unreal Engine extends FLAMES to provide the ultimate framework for the creation of serious games and visually stunning, entity-level constructive and virtual simulations. The latest release of FLAMES includes the new FLAMES CIGI IG Plugin for Unreal, which is available in the FLAMES Store for FREE. Develop your next simulation using FLAMES and Unreal Engine.

Brands: FLAMES® Simulation Framework, FLAMES Developer, FLAMES Engine, FLAMES Unreal Engine Option, FAST™

 Press Releases

  • December 2 – 5, 2024 – Orlando, FL – Ternion will exhibit at I/ITSEC, the world’s largest modeling, simulation & training event.
  • (Nov 26, 2024)
    December 3rd, 2024 – Orlando, FL – You’re invited to a free buffet breakfast and FLAMES presentation during the I/ITSEC conference.
  • We are thrilled to announce the release of FLAMES version 22.2, the latest update to our commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) framework for developing custom simulations.


  • FLAMES Developer
    The software and tools you need to develop FLAMES plugins and create custom, FLAMES-based simulations. Includes the Trial Version of the FLAMES Engine....

  • FLAMES Engine
    A set of powerful yet easy-to-use applications that allow you to create, execute, visualize, and control FLAMES scenarios using any FLAMES-compatible plug-ins....

  • Unreal Flight Sim Content
    An example interactive flight simulator developed using FLAMES and Unreal Engine....

  • CIGI IG Plugin for Unreal
    The <strong>FLAMES CIGI IG Plugin for Unreal</strong> is a FREE plugin for Unreal Engine that is a part of the <a href="https://flamesframework.com/unreal-engine-option">FLAMES Unreal Engine option</a>....