Calnex Solutions

Bringing Network Realism to Training Environments
Networks are a critical component in modern warfare and their impact on the war fighter’s effectiveness cannot be overstated. Therefore, it is vital to include the network environment in your simulation or training set up.
Calnex NE-ONE Network Emulators, with their ability to simulate and manipulate network conditions and environments, can be easily incorporated into your training platform to deliver the realism you need to provide the most real-world training experience possible. Use the NE-ONE to recreate all the desired, disadvantaged and disrupted network conditions personnel can expect to encounter in-theater to ensure they are fully prepared.
Trusted by military organizations and governments around the globe, Calnex NE-ONE network emulators are already deployed in cyber ranges, simulation labs and test labs to fully understand, and where necessary mitigate, the impact of networks on military applications, systems and personnel.
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Brands: Calnex NE-ONE, Calnex SNE