Bren-Tronics is the leading provider of power and energy solutions for all trainging and simulation.
Powering the Soldier since 1973. Standard products lines include the BB-2590 battery, the SPC, VMC, FLEX and ABC charger. Powering training and simulation products from soldier worn to vehicle driven.
Power anywhere, anytime, in any climate from -40C up to 80C.
24V Li-Ion 6T batteries for military vehicles, including the Mil-STD 32565 CCDC GVSC BT-70939M-TPB battery.
Charge up to 16 batteries in lightning speed on our ABC charger including the PRC-148, 152, 163, NETT +, CSEL, SMP, as well as up to 8 BB-2590’s, DeWalt’s and many others.
All Designed and Manufactured in the USA.
Brands: BB-2590