GBvi Ltd.

United Kingdom
  • Booth: 3100

Visit GBvi at I/ITSEC 2023 for High-Performance Projector Optical Blending Solutions

GBvi designs and builds multi-channel optical blending solutions for challenging projection environments, with no limit to display size, screen shape or projector count.

We have extensive experience in the field of displays for simulation and training; in aviation, terrestrial and marine applications and in defence and commercial sectors - particularly working with technologies and applications that maximise display dynamic range, enabling continuous operation through bright daylight and dark night scenarios and in all simulated weather conditions.

Brands: Chronos optical blending solutions | Chronos Glass: Greyscale Chronos Film Chronos Foil Chronos Rewind Chronos Cylinder Atlas-4 4-DOF Projector Mount Chronos Rewind actuation