EcosySTEM of Learning Discovery Den
Welcome to the EcosySTEM of Learning! Explore how together we are inspiring YOUR future workforce!
The EcosySTEM of Learning (EoL) focuses on building education momentum through a wide breadth of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) initiatives with a mission to establish, nourish, and maintain a solid foundation for launching YOUR future workforce and future leaders.
Stop by to explore how you can engage in our OUTREACH efforts, meet the national STEM education organizations in the DISCOVERY DEN, learn about FOCUSED WORKSHOPS for educators and professionals, and discovery opportunities for CAREER FAIRS and PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING.
Brands: Astronaut Scholarship Foundation, DOD STEM; Central Florida Tech Grove; FIRST Robotics; Larson Motorsports; National Center for Advancement of STEM Education; Serious Games Pavilion